Monday, November 29, 2004

ASSHOLE ALERT - a fitting end to 12 assholes

In a news article yesterday I read about an incident involving ill-advised fighting in a bad location, rail tracks and a speeding train. It appears that a bunch of assholes, who were crossing rail tracks at a train station engaged in the most dumb-headed fight amongst themselves, and were greeted personally by a speeding locomotive. 12 assholes were presumably dismembered in the incident, and 3 were unfortunately only greviously hurt. An post-mortem analysis of the remains perplexed experts, as they were unable to find even minute traces of brains.

What a fitting end to 12 stupid assholes!

The government of India, it seems, is in the habit of rewarding families of assholes - the family of each asshole received a grant of Rs 100,000. This seems to be the reward for raising assholes. I figure the families should be required to pay damages for cleaning up the mess their assholes left in a public place and fees for counselling for the people who witnessed the incident.

A couple of links to the story -
12 assholes killed
families of dead assholes get grants


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