superbitch asshole Snigdha Mitra
The first time I lay my eyes on this fat blot on the landscape, I wasn't sure whether I eyes indeed beheld a human, and if so, of what sex. It turned out to be the superbitch Snigdha Mitra, and over the course of the next 3 years, my career proceeded to suffer at the hands of her power trips in which she relentlessly stampeded over the multitude of young professionals in her team.
You have a special place reserved in hell for you too, you sorry f**k... and it's with your arse sphincter strangling Milind Pol's neck... a match made and consummated in hell!
You have a special place reserved in hell for you too, you sorry f**k... and it's with your arse sphincter strangling Milind Pol's neck... a match made and consummated in hell!
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