Monday, November 29, 2004

ASSHOLE ALERT - a fitting end to 12 assholes

In a news article yesterday I read about an incident involving ill-advised fighting in a bad location, rail tracks and a speeding train. It appears that a bunch of assholes, who were crossing rail tracks at a train station engaged in the most dumb-headed fight amongst themselves, and were greeted personally by a speeding locomotive. 12 assholes were presumably dismembered in the incident, and 3 were unfortunately only greviously hurt. An post-mortem analysis of the remains perplexed experts, as they were unable to find even minute traces of brains.

What a fitting end to 12 stupid assholes!

The government of India, it seems, is in the habit of rewarding families of assholes - the family of each asshole received a grant of Rs 100,000. This seems to be the reward for raising assholes. I figure the families should be required to pay damages for cleaning up the mess their assholes left in a public place and fees for counselling for the people who witnessed the incident.

A couple of links to the story -
12 assholes killed
families of dead assholes get grants

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Dipshit of the century - Laloo Prasad Yadav

image copyright

Meet Mr. DIPSHIT. His name's Laloo Prasad Yadav, and he's one if India's most corrupt politicians (and that's really saying A LOT, given that the competition for that honour is extremely intense). Besides looking like a grade A dipshit, this asshole is a real bastard otherwise as well. He rules over one of India's poorest states like it is his personal property. But then most of the people in that state (Bihar) are idiots working for/supporting this dipshit, or are simple souls beaten into submission by this asshole's musclemen.

This asshole is one of the main reasons that a resource-rich state like Bihar is one of India's poorest. Most of the money pumped into the state by the Indian central government first reaches Laloo's bank account. Even after being exposed and convicted for embezzling government funds to the tune of Rs 5 billion (that's about USD 125 million - a LOT of money in India), this asshole continues to be in power in the state. What's sad is that this asshole is revered as a hero by a lot of people. It's scary how many more DUMB M***********G ASSHOLES there are in the world (like the lobotomized cretins who actually think that this asshole is great)!!

To be treated to a sample of crazy things that happen in the world, look up this asshole in Google. I guarantee he'll both amaze and apall - or your money back (unless he got his hands on it, in which case you can kiss your money goodbye)!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Asshole - Don Rumsfeld

The next asshole to be featured here is the US secretary of defence, Donald Rumsfeld.
This guy strikes me as being a really dumb asshole.
Being the secretary of defence, this guy is probably as dangerous as Bush. The 2 could be twins, the way they look, the way they talk, their IQs and the fact that they are both GIANT ASSHOLES!!
This guy is probably Bush's bitch. But in the ranks of Bush's bitches, this asshole ranks higher than Tony Blair. Blair is a more needy bitch - he appears needy. Don, on the other hand, seems quite comfortable in his position as Bush's top bitch.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Asshole - Tony Blair

A swift follow-up to George Dubblya, Blair comes swiftly on Bush's heels. Blair is the next asshole on display. A smart man, probably a thinking man. This makes his asshole-ness much worse than Bush's. Blair tends to stammer when he lies... and he's been stammering a LOT lately.
Right from scandals in his own government and attempts to cover up signs of foul play in the Iraq war... Blair has seen it all and done it all.
Co-conspirator with George, mass murderer and war criminal, Tony, you are a TRUE ASSHOLE!

Asshole - George W Bush

The most celebrated asshole in the world!
This asshole has caused the single largest number of deaths in contemporary times, counting the carnage in Afghanistan, Iraq and more.
What's worst is the dumbness and extreme moronic nature of this asshole. This combined with the tremendous power he weilds, is a deadly combination indeed. And many dead souls are testimony to this awesome combination.
This asshole has taken the American tradition of screwing the rest of the world to a whole new level - and that's saying something!
This asshole gets me really riled up whenever his image floats before my eyes!

Intro - a blog about stinking assholes

While thinking about beautiful people to post on my blog about beautiful people, I realized that there are a lot many more assholes who immediately spring to mind. So this blog will feature some of the worst assholes the world has seen. Of course, depending on your leanings, political or otherwise, you may find you do not agree with some of these posts. This will happen only rarely, which is good because it means you still retain your sanity and sense of right and wrong.